Keto Diet Plan For Beginner

All famous celebrities including fashion divas Kim Kardashian ” and “Halle Berry are raving about keto diet plans. These days, everyone seems to be preaching about this diet plan that focuses more on taking proteins than the sugar content.

If you are just a kid on the block, fascinated with the idea of trying out a Keto diet plan to tone up your muscles, you should keep reading. The diet itself has attracted never-ending debate among dietitians, weight-loss amateurs and doctors for its efficacy. Is this diet promising any great results? Is it just an over-hyped diet with any positive effects on the body? Let’s find out more about it.

Bye Bye Sugar

Yes, you have read it correctly. If you are really serious about losing stubborn fat accumulated elsewhere around your abdomen or legs or thighs, you have to practice keto diet. The diet mainly focuses on cutting down the sugary content from the diet. So, say a farewell to those chocolate bars, sugar corns and starchy soups that you cook when you don’t have much time to spend on food preparation. Besides removing any artificial or processed sugar from your kitchen pantry, you may have to focus more on including the items in a diet that are rich in protein.

To put it short, you simply have to find the food with more protein and fats. This is just simple as that. When you stop taking more sugar in the form of fizzy drinks, sugary candies and chocolates, your body feels deprived of it. However, don’t give in to its desire for sugar. Let it starve for a while.

How does it work?

You might be wondering why including more protein-rich food is necessary. Here is just one reason, when your body does not have enough sugar to burn to drive energy from, it consumes the fats. As a result, your body loses fats naturally without your having to do strenuous workouts.

By opting for protein food and saying goodbye to sugary food, you are giving your body a chance to tone up itself. You’d not need to step in a gym for a workout. You can lose weight without doing workout and moving your body. And it’s a secret magic of Keto diet.

What can you eat on Keto?

Being on a keto diet does not necessarily mean having to cut down on tasty food forever. The diet is focused on a high protein level and is somewhat similar to Atkins in its aspects. More important part of diet is controlling your craving for savory and sweet food.

You can eat olive oil, butter, nuts oil, and grass fed beef, chicken, lamb, fish, and non-starchy vegetables, green and leafy vegetables.

You can eat low sugar fruits in a moderate portion. Your diet is incomplete without fruits, so you can include berries, pineapples, cherries and other fruits modernly.

What can you not eat on Keto?

You need to avoid eating starchy vegetables such as potatoes as they are rich in carbohydrates. Moreover, you need to cut down Pizza, Cream cheese, pasta, burgers, junk food, cakes, baked pastries and donuts from your diet completely. You can have drinks such as coffee, tea and shakes without sugar. When you make milk-based desserts, do not add processed sugar, instead they are more healthy for you without sugar for you.

Below We Added 7 Days Keto Diet Plan For Beginner With 1 Week Shopping List in PDF.

16 thoughts on “Keto Diet Plan For Beginner”

  1. I just research about celebrities and they are really doing keto,
    This website had authentic info and now I’ll start my keto journey with

  2. I far exceeded my goals by switching to keto lifestyle! I not only lost 100 pounds, but I also found myself in the process. I became a better mom, wife and person because I took care of me.


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